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Cover Image for React Interview Experience

React Interview Experience

This blog is about my recent React interview experiences and some interesting questions that were asked. These questions might help you prepare for your next interview. Guess The Output | useState vs useReducer | useCallback and useMemo | Redux Vs Context API | Manage The Focus Of Elements Using React | Why is useRef used | Coding Problem.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for Streams in NodeJS

Streams in NodeJS

Node.js Streams are an essential feature of the platform that provide an efficient way to handle data flows. They allow for processing of large volumes of data in a memory-efficient and scalable way, and can be used for a variety of purposes such as reading from and writing to files, transforming data, and combining multiple streams into a single pipeline

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for Promises with Loops and Array Methods in JavaScript

Promises with Loops and Array Methods in JavaScript

Promises are objects that represent the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and allow you to handle the result of that operation when it completes. It’s important to understand how loops behave and how to use promises to control the flow of execution.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for Template Engine in JavaScript

Template Engine in JavaScript

Learn Regex in JavaScript by building a Template Engine. Template engines allow the creation of dynamic output by combining data with pre-written templates. These engines use placeholders, or variables, in the templates that are filled in with data at runtime.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for CommonJS and ESM modules interoperability in NodeJS

CommonJS and ESM modules interoperability in NodeJS

NodeJS supports two types of module systems CommonJS and ESM or ECMAScript modules. We will have a look at these module systems and also look at the interoperability between them and fix some common errors related to these modules.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for Server-Side Rendering in React 18

Server-Side Rendering in React 18

React is a library commonly used for developing Single Page Applications (SPAs) that rely heavily on JavaScript. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is a technique that renders a web page on the server and sends it back to the client. SSR returns a fully rendered HTML page to the browser.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for 5 Concepts you must know as a React Developer

5 Concepts you must know as a React Developer

We will look at React concepts like Deriving the State, Set State inside Event Handlers, Cleanup Functions, Updating the State when a Prop changes, etc.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for Why Array(n) is Not Iterable in JavaScript

Why Array(n) is Not Iterable in JavaScript

Sparse arrays are arrays that have empty elements and cannot be iterated over using certain methods such as map and forEach.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur
Cover Image for Implementing a job queue in Nodejs

Implementing a job queue in Nodejs

Implement a Job Queue in NodeJS using Redis and BullMQ. A job queue holds a list of processes waiting to be executed after some condition is met or the workers/processors are ready to execute them.

Author's Profile Pic
Rajkumar Gaur